About Us

Managing Director – Researcher

Ingeniera Forestal, Especialista en Género. Máster en Estudios Feministas y Magister (c) en Gestión Tecnológica.

Constanza González-Véliz

Chilean feminist researcher committed to ecological and social justice, focusing on the intersection of feminism, technology, and the environment.

She explores the potential of technology as a tool in collective resistance, emphasizing women's experiences and recognizing and valuing situated knowledge. Her focus is on building an inclusive and diverse digital future that respects ecological limits.

Her goal is to contribute to a more just society through research and participatory action, promoting responsible and ethical use of technological tools for positive and transformative impact.


Ingeniera de Sistemas, Máster en Ciberseguridad y Diplomada en Seguridad de TI

Ximena Cuzcano-Chavez

Peruvian researcher interested in exploring the convergence between technology, digital security, and social justice with an intersectional approach.

She is committed to researching and analyzing critical issues in the digital world, examining how technology impacts differently on diverse communities and groups in society.

She aspires that her research will encourage constructive debate and collaboration among diverse actors to find efficient solutions to the challenges of the digital world, thus contributing to building a more equitable world.


Alexandra Arrascue

Immigrant Peruvian independent artist learning about social justice, fighting for immigrant’s rights alongside her people.

She creates illustrations and animations with technological and traditional media, exploring different opportunities and ideas to aid her people through her art. Occasionally bringing smiles to faces and inspiring people with her work.

Her goal is to leave an impact in the community, to move people’s hearts with her creations, and to communicate through her art. To also collaborate with different organizations to achieve the goals we set for ourselves.